

时间:2013-03-14 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:丫丫 点击:





关键词:现代礼仪 形体训练 空乘 素质

Abstract: China's civil aviation industry, the rapid development of professionalism of the flight attendants made high demands.Modern etiquette and physical training, students of the flight attendants to form a good psychological quality, physical, occupational skills, personal qualities and professional qualities have a positive and far-reaching effects, is the quality of training flight attendants students important content.

Modern etiquette is that people in modern society, specific contacts, in order to respect each other, in appearance, deportment, rituals, appearance, behavior, etc. convention, and a mutually accepted norms and procedures.Physical training is a scientific theory based on the human body through various means used to change the original state of human body in order to enhance the body's flexibility, control and physical performance of the U.S. forces training in the basic quality.Vocational training needs of stylized movements, such as stand, walk, sit, ritual gestures and so on, also known as physical training, it is the ritual cultivation of aesthetic literacy important element in the image of individuals and organizations outside the plastic an important way.

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