

时间:2013-08-01 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:小亭 点击:


A man tried to catch monkeys to sell them to zoos. The monkeys, however, were very

c 66 and every kind of trap(计谋) that he set failed.

A young boy watched the man’s efforts and then took a pot with a narrow(狭窄的) neck. He placed a few peanuts around the pot and put lots of peanuts i 67 it. He then tied the pot to a tree and he told the man, “We should have a m 68 in a few hours.”

Some monkeys soon discovered the peanuts and the pot. One put his hand into the pot e 69 and got a handful of peanuts, but he couldn’t p 70 his hand with peanuts out of the narrow opening of the pot. The monkey was a 71 and began to cry. Some of the other monkeys tried unsuccessfully to pull the pot off his hand.

The boy and the man heard the noise. As the boy came near to the monkeys with a bag, the monkeys all ran away e 72 the one with its hand in the pot. The boy packed the monkey and the pot into the bag. The man was s 73 and asked the boy the secret of his monkey trap. “Why was it so easy for the monkey to get his hand in but so h 74 to get it out?”

The boy laughed and said, “The monkey could get his hand back out if he let go of the peanuts in the pot, but he just wasn’t w 75 to let go. They never are.




76. 在我们学校图书馆里有 有几千本书。

77. 扬州园林(Yangzhou Gardens) 不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名。

78. 谁将应邀主持下周的演出?

79. 在这个公园里,除非你有地图,否则很容易迷路。

80. 对我们来说,像以前那样经常见到这样的美景不容易了。


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My After-School Activities

As we grow, both our after-school activities and what care about are becoming more and more.

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一、单项选择 1-5 BCDAB 6-10 CDBAD 11-15 ABCDC

二、完形填空 16-20 CBDAB 21-25 DCABD 26-30 ACDBA

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