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职场英语:面试技巧 你对我们公司有什么了解?

时间:2015-03-13 13:31     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  

职场英语:面试技巧 你对我们公司有什么了解?

What do you know about our organization?


1. Answer structure

1. 回答结构

• Give 2 – 3 pieces of information you know about the company, which are appeal to customers and candidates.


• Give out your skills, abilities, experiences and knowledge which can be suitable and developed.


• Ask questions about the company, such as advantages compared to the opponent firms; career development opportunity, company’s ability to expand etc.


2. Answer tips


Some contents you can mention include: products and services, sales compared in the industry, brand, management, history and culture of the company.


Show your knowledge but do not prove that you know everything. Give the information to show your recent learning efforts.


Do not give personal comments such as: I think the CEO is well-known for dressing fashionably; or the boss of the company is a powerful person….


Include active information about your research; Don’t be passive, for example: The receptionist said that the company is well-known for…


3. Answer samples


I think your company is the best in IT industry. It provides a perfect working environment for employees, thanks to which, it may maintain a very good service in IT industry.


上一篇:职场英语:求职必读 马克扎克伯格的职业建议



本文标题:职场英语:面试技巧 你对我们公司有什么了解?
