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时间:2013-03-11 来源:无忧教育网 作者:淡淡 字数: 点击:


"The figure must be sensitive, good at communication, nothing more"

A lot of tough job being a few words summed up, life is not so, the film was finally able to let me know that a blueprint for the more beautiful, the surface of the more glorious career, the more easy for those keen and ambitious, but in fact, it takes to be successful The effort, than those who seemingly behave much more professional. Prove once again the phrase "no love for no reason," and wanted to riches, it is impossible for no reason.

Finally, I have to admit, Will Smith's performance does have touched people's hearts place. Allow me also to those who worked hard for their ideals, but it does not obtain or no access to their own well-being of the people to pay tribute to the ideal. Because no matter how long you have worked hard for every drop of sweat are real. The losers tend to be a successful stepping stone, though very few places in the success, but who will forever be a stepping stone to do? Let us insist on the same, like Chris Gardner!


    虽然我还没有二十八岁,当然也不可能在28岁的时候第一次见我的父亲,但是看着这部影片,听着Jaden Smith稚嫩的童声,忽然有一种很想要一个小孩,然后好好照顾他的冲动。当Jaden Smith跟老爸一起睡厕所并不埋怨,甚至还提出过可以再次去这个“洞”里睡时;当他在杂货铺里目不转睛地盯着零食,当老爸问的时候说自己不要时等诸如此类的情节,我就会在心里不停重复一句话,真懂事啊,真懂事啊。

    做妻子的离开,是一种选择,你能指责一个因为做销售的老公卖不出东西,而为了家四个星期每天都连上两班的女人么?她的离开绝对不是贪慕虚荣那么功利,她已经在承受很多女人未必能承受的事情了。在电话前的哽咽,更多的是一种对生活的绝望。从影片的结尾推测,其实她只要再撑几个月就可以了,但是这是从结果来推测,现实生活,有多少人的人生是一本写好大团圆结局的剧本?人生的酸甜苦辣都来源于未知。生活往往比电影复杂得多,Chris Gardner的成功只

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