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时间:2012-09-21 来源:无忧教育网 作者:admin 字数: 点击:


Internet-Based College English Test

  Band 4
  The test consists of 3 sections with different types of tasks to test your abilities of English listening, speaking, writing and reading.It will take approximately 2 hours to complete.
  Sample Test
  Section A Listening Comprehension (Questions 1-18; 25-30 minutes)
  Directions: This section contains 18 multiple choice questions based on four audio and one video clips. You should select the best answer to each question. All audio and video clips will be played twice. When they are played for the first time, you should pay attention to the main idea and answer some general comprehension questions. When they are played for the second time, you should focus on the important details and answer some specific comprehension questions.
  News Item 1 Question 1 will be based on the following news item.
  1. apprehensive 恐惧的,担心的
  2. trajectory 轨道,弹道
  3. stumble 蹒跚而行,踉跄
  4. collaborate 合作,协作
  Question 1
  What is the main topic of the news report?
  A. China’s economic output has exceeded that of the U. S.
  B. China has emerged as a global economic powerhouse.
  C. Chinese economic expansion should be welcomed.
  D. China’s economic growth helps the U.S. to finance its growing debt.
  Now listen again and answer Question 2.
  Question 2
  2. What did Treasury Secretary Paulson say about China’s economic growth in the conference call with reporters?
  A. Americans feel threatened by China’s economic growth.

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