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To commemorate the 4th year of my entry into work

时间:2013-06-09 来源:无忧教育网 作者:淡淡 字数: 点击:

To commemorate the 4th year of my entry into work

    Time waits no man.Figuring your finger, I have been working for 4 years since 2005.

    Dated back to 2005, when I enter the yard of HSGD for the first time. I felt like a just-born baby. Everything around me seemed so curious, fresh and interesting. I piously watched everything. And i made my determination that i would do my best and use my knowledge and courage to bring some difference to the enterprise. But 4 years later, I found i was nothing. I was the one to have been changed. The enterprise is still.

    Four years' training and study and work,what kind of man have I grown into ? I don't know. I just know I lost the passion I owned, the curiosity I possessed, the integrity I had years before. Those meritorious qualities are born in my heart. But i was at lost and lost them all. Now I have to pick them up who are rooted in me.

    Fours later, when I look back, I am sure I will be happy to make this decision.

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本文标题:To commemorate the 4th year of my entry into work