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时间:2013-09-17 来源:无忧教育网 作者:淡淡 字数: 点击:


My name is Yidan Ren, I’m from China, Wuxi. But I moved to Houston three years ago.

In China, I had a lot of friends, I always talk to them, play with them. But when I came to Houston, my friends became less and less. Is there something wrong with me? I always get high grades, I always follow directions, I almost never get in trouble!!! But why doesn’t anybody want to be my friend?

But I know I won’t care about this anymore! All my parents care is about my grades!!

One time, another Chinese girl came to my class. We become best friends right away!! And she told me," the reason those American doesn’t like us is because we’re Asian. We are smart.

So from that day on, we became BFFs.(Best Friends Forever) And the people around us start to like us. The start to chat with us, play with us.

I’m so happy!!!

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