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美国大学排名 哈佛普林斯顿并列第一(2)

时间:2014-06-19 11:06     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  

City: Pasadena, CA

Total Enrollment: 2,231

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $39,588

Application Deadline: January 1

10. Dartmouth College (tie)

City: Hanover, NH

Total Enrollment: 6,144

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $45,042

Application Deadline: January 1


1. Williams College

City: Williamstown, MA

Total Enrollment: 2,109

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,920

Application Deadline: January 1

2. Amherst College

City: Amherst, MA

Total Enrollment: 1,791

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,610

Application Deadline: January 1

3. Swarthmore College

City: Swarthmore, PA

Total Enrollment: 1,545

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $43,080

Application Deadline: January 1

4. Middlebury College (tie)

City: Middlebury, VT

Total Enrollment: 2,507

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,111

Application Deadline: January 1

4. Pomona College (tie)

City: Claremont, CA

Total Enrollment: 1,586

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $41,438

Application Deadline: January 2

6. Bowdoin College (tie)

City: Brunswick, ME

Total Enrollment: 1,778

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,118

Application Deadline: January 1

6. Wellesley College (tie)

City: Wellesley, MA

Total Enrollment: 2,502

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $42,082

Application Deadline: January 15

8. Carleton College

City: Northfield, MN

Total Enrollment: 2,018

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,445

Application Deadline: January 15

9. Haverford College

City: Haverford, PA

Total Enrollment: 1,198

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $43,702

Application Deadline: January 15

10. Claremont McKenna College (tie)

City: Claremont, CA

Total Enrollment: 1,321

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $44,085

Application Deadline: January 2

10. Vassar College (tie)

City: Poughkeepsie, NY

Total Enrollment: 2,386

2012-2013 Tuition and Fees: $46,270

Application Deadline: January 1


1. 宾夕法尼亚大学

2. 麻省理工学院

3. 加州大学伯克利分校


5. 纽约大学


7. 卡内基梅隆大学





1. 麻省理工学院

2. 斯坦福大学

3. 加州理工学院


5. 佐治亚理工学院


7. 密歇根大学

8. 卡内基梅隆大学

上一篇:泰晤士报世界大学排行榜 哈佛第一

下一篇:世界大学学术排名 台湾大学等入榜


本文标题:美国大学排名 哈佛普林斯顿并列第一(2)
