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时间:2014-06-08 10:55     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  


It’s time to detoxfrom your inbox. Choose a few times during your day to check your email and stick to this schedule no matter what. For instance, you can check once in the morning, once around lunch, and a follow-up time an hour or two before clocking out. By limiting the amount of time you spend lost in your inbox, you can tune out the noise and allow yourself to focus.


2. Steer Clear of Workplace Drama

2. 远离办公室闹剧

You came to your office to work and yet somehow your workplace has become more political than an episode of House of Cards. Office politics hurts company morale, and 47 percent of workers feel office politicking also hurts productivity. Sadly, a study by Robert Half International found 60 percent of workers felt like they had to play the game.


Don’t get caught up in stressful office politics. Let your work speak for itself and take yourself out of negative situations where gossip flows and hurt feelings flourish. One of the best ways to simplify your work life is to steer clear of the drama.


3. Give Yourself a Break

3. 给自己创造休息时间

If you feel like you’ve hit a wall after lunch, know you’re not alone. According to research, your body hits a sleepiness peak around 2 p.m.


Instead of taking a nap, which is still frowned upon in many workplaces, give yourself a little mental break. Take a few minutes to check in with friends on social media or take a walk outside to clear your head. Don’t stress if your attention is lagging -- instead, give yourself permission to let your mind wander.


4. Surround Yourself With Positivity

4. 营造正能量氛围

It’s hard to feel stressed when you’re looking at a picture of a baby animal. This is certainly what researchers at Hiroshima University discovered when they found pleasant images such as tiny kittens make workers more productive.





