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当前位置: 首页 > 外语 > 职场英语:10大信号目前的工作不适合你了


时间:2014-06-17 11:39     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  


By the time you realize you have outgrownyour job it is usually too late and your employer is making the decision for you. Learn how to recognize the warning signs to improve where you are or get prepared for change.


1. You have a decreased level of job engagement.


If you have stopped or reduced spending your discretionary work time on activities that might improve your job performance or other aspects of your organization, such as working on a research and development project or a fundraiser your company supports, then you might not be interested in your job as much as you have been in the past.



2. You’re not taking informed risks anymore.


Informed risks are not crazy risks; they are the risks which you believe have some potential of being successful. You now take a more cautious approach to projects and activities than you did before. This behavior can restrict your personal growth. Instead of signing up to help with that new project you waste most of your time talking or worrying about is, and you get stuck in the “What ifs”.


3. Your work feels routine and boring.


Routine work is defined by the Task Quotient assessment, a test that provides managers and individuals the ideal percentage of personal work task preferences (routine, trouble-shooting and project) to maximize motivation and job satisfaction, as highly predictable work with an immediate required need for completion. With routine work you are just going through the motions, tasks are on autopilot. An example could be working on a new project that would have once excited you now has lost any emotional spark. If you don’t enjoy routine work, then a job change may be in order.


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