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当前位置: 首页 > 外语 > 2014年6月14日大学英语六级真题完整答案(3)


时间:2014-06-19 10:39     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  

E 53. Swedish employers are hesitant about hiring women for full-time positions because of the family-friendly policies.

A 54. Gender-awareness education is becoming more and more popular in state-subsidized preschools in Sweden.

C 55. Some lawmakers in Sweden propose the genderless pronouns be used in the Swedish language.


C 56 it will ruin the written language

B 57 it expresses ideas more accurately

A 58 it brings texters closer to each other

D 59 the gradual change of word meaning

B 60 it is a new form of verbal communication

B 61 she worked her way to success in the entertainment industry

B 62 she was known as a supporter of fake science

A 63 he was strongly against it

C 64 they attach too much importance to public ralations

D 65 pursuit of knowledge and truth





Chinese buzzwords, some of which are more and more prevalent among Western media, normally reflect the change of society as well as culture. For example, tuhao and dama are actually existing words which have achieved new meanings.

Tuhao was originally referred as landowners who bully tenants and servants, but now it is used to describe those people who spend money without thinking or who are keen on flaunting wealth. That is to say, tuhao has money, but doesn’t have taste. Dama was the title of middle-aged woman, but now it is used to call those people who buy a lot of gold when the price decreased not long time ago in particular.

There is a possibility that tuhao and dama could be adopted in new edition Oxford. Up to now, there are already about 120 Chinese words added into Oxford, becoming a part of English language.

上一篇:听懂英语新闻的十大方法 对自己有信心



