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双语:成为积极的思考者 决心和毅力必不可少(2)

时间:2014-09-22 10:56     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  


3. Change your self-reinforcement:


If you have low rates of self-reward and high rates of self-punishment when it comes to certain aspects of your life, then you want to modify this. For example, think more of how far you've come, how hard you've worked, acknowledge yourself for it and then see how much further you want to go.


4. Draw conclusions with evidence:


Look at the evidence, look at the events, look at patterns and don't base your conclusions on assumptions. For example, don't just assume someone will cheat you because they look like or in some ways act like an ex you didn't get along with. Look at other elements to see if there is any evidence for your assumption.


5. Don't:


The majority of how people interact with you is due to their own personality, strengths, and baggage and does not have as much to do with you. Pay attention to how to differentiate between different interaction signals. For example, instead of immediately getting frustrated because the waitress was a little late attending to you, think that maybe she is having a really tough day or too may tables to take care of.


6. Don't do "either/or" thinking:


Black and white thinking based on perfectionistic thought is counterproductive. Every time a thought pops up and has words like "should" or "must," challenge it. For example, instead of saying "this should be done this way," say something like, "I prefer it this way but I am sure there are other ways to do and am willing to be open.


7. Don't do emotional reasoning:


This is a belief based on feeling alone without any rational thinking behind it. For example, you don't like such and such but you don't have any logical reason for not liking them.



下一篇:新手备考托福 如何达到“双赢”备考效果?


本文标题:双语:成为积极的思考者 决心和毅力必不可少(2)
