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时间:2013-04-22 来源:无忧教育网 作者:丫丫 字数: 点击:


    The deceased have to, toward the heaven, where there will be no more disasters, there will be no more tears, but for those who survived the disaster in the compatriots, alive to become a challenge, let them in an instant disaster Separated from the experience of life and death, the mother and son have deep moods, once the husband and wife loved each other, but now they had to be parting, the two separated, disaster, not only their physical destruction, destruction of their soul, flesh wounds over time slowly healing, can be the soul of grief, but not so far recovered pieces, post-quake reconstruction of their homes can, we can even build their homes more beautiful, but for us, more important is how to build their own spiritual home, how to ask The soul-deep scars.


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