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Try to Make up your mind

时间:2013-06-09 来源:无忧教育网 作者:淡淡 字数: 点击:

Try to Make up your mind

    Man is a sentimental animal. Especially in the contemporary times, man is weak-minded. A just very little thing can kill his passion. Or he can't avoid putting himself in the ordinary crowd. He is just a man.

    But one wants to be successful, than he has to be determined. If you don't know what to do, that is too bad. In a world full of all kinds of temptation, you should clear up your mind. You should know what you need.

    The world we live in is so colorful.But what we truly need is just a small small part. Many things we admire or envy are not our necessity that We can not live without. Take money for example. Nowadays, many of us coming out of universities are working hard to get money to fulfill the wish of buying residences, cars and others. But if we look back and think twice, we will recollect that those substances are not necessary. We can rent house to live. We can take the public transport. We try hard to get those things at the cost of our health, our precious time. and more importantly, we will not live in time. we live in the future.

    So I tell myself that i will not only stickle to the life of just making money but also try to enjoy the precious short life.

    Now, let's slow down our rhythm and appreciate the beautiful scenery all the way to the end of your life.

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