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职场英语:出差无压力 7个便捷商旅解决方案(2)

时间:2014-09-05 09:52     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  


4. Bite the bullet and go elite

4. 咬咬牙,享受一回头等服务

As the well-traveled basketball player Michael Jordan was once paid a lot of money to say: Just do it. Air travel has gotten pretty grisly over the last decade, and elite membership is a way to soften the edges. You bypass lines and ticket service charges, your seating upgrades are prioritized, and your bags are the first ones delivered at the baggage claim. As with life, travel is about the little things. So if you can go elite, do.


5. Beat jet lag

5. 克服时差感

Our friends at Mental Floss compiled a whole list of strategies for avoiding jet lag, including staying hydrated while in-flight boozing, exercising, and making sure your skin sees some sun. If you're traveling at night, maybe also ask your doctor about a sleeping pill to help you adjust your clock. She may say no, but asking can't hurt.

杂志《Mental Floss》的朋友们比较了一系列避免时差感的方法,包括在飞机上补充水分,适当运动,保证皮肤见到阳光。如果你是晚上飞行,问医生要一些帮助睡眠的药物,调节你的生物钟。医生可能会拒绝你,但是问一问又不会怎样。

6. Catch up on email

6. 查收邮件

Those in-flight hours when you're strapped to your seat are the perfect opportunity to catch up on the parts of your worklife you've let slip. For many of us, that's email. Many short flights still don't have Wi-Fi, so cue up 15, 20, or however many emails you can on your laptop before the flight, and take the time to write thoughtful, probably apologetic, replies. Then send them off next time you're connected.


7. Pre-book your car

7. 预定好车

Taxis are always available at airports, but actually getting in them can be a pain: The lines are often long and exposed to the weather, and the airport fees are always high. Instead, pre-book a car, which, in many towns, is no pricier than taking a cab. There are few better feelings on a business trip — or in life, probably — than being greeted by a man in a suit holding a card with your name spelled out in sharpie.

上一篇:雅思写作8.5分牛人经验:内容充实 避免新词



本文标题:职场英语:出差无压力 7个便捷商旅解决方案(2)
