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职场英语:出差无压力 7个便捷商旅解决方案

时间:2014-09-05 09:52     来源:无忧教育网    作者:森林狼   点击:次  

Traveling for business is widely misunderstood: To those who don't go often, it sounds like a vacation with a little responsibility — a break from your regular life, enhanced by free meals, sightseeing, and the opportunity for an out-of-town hook-up.


But those who do it often know that work travel is really just work, but with more organization, more fatigue, and more face-to-face meetings.


Here, a few ways to make your life easier when you're on the road for work.


1. Perma-packing

1. 提前打包

For frequent, short-trip travelers, think about keeping a ready-to-go carry-on bag in your closet. A pre-packed bag will keep you from stressful last minute packing, plus you'll be less likely to forget something important, like your phone charger.


It should contain travel necessities: A fresh shirt, pajamas, tech cords, toiletries (just the stuff hotels don't offer), a change of underthings, pens, a note pad, Altoids, band aids and Advil, and a fold-down umbrella. At the end of each trip, restock and freshen the bag, add a drier sheet to keep the clothes smelling nice, and leave it in your closet.


Then, when it's time to go, you only need to make day-of, trip specific add-ons. Like your laptop, current reading material, and sunglasses if you're flying somewhere bright.


2. Protect your tie

2. 保护好你的领带

Gentlemen: A wrinkly tie is business no-no, and a needless hassle to iron. Save yourself the trouble with this trick: Roll your tie pretty tight and slide it inside a tube, like a toilet paper roll, and tuck it with your things.


3. Protect your jewels

3. 保护好你的珠宝

Ladies: What's a bigger travel bummer than having to detangle that gold chain necklace that got balled up in a rough little knot at the bottom of your carry-on? To prevent this, string one side through a straw, and lock the clasp. On the same note, if you have multiple rings that could scratch each other, use one of those weekday pill organizers, and put one in each. And keep your earrings together by attaching them through the holes of a good-sized button.

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本文标题:职场英语:出差无压力 7个便捷商旅解决方案
