

时间:2013-04-11 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:丫丫 点击:



I got on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I got to Canterbury, I got a chaise for town; but I got wet through, and have got such a cold that I shall not get rid of in such a hurry. I got to the Treasury about noon, but first of all got shaved and dressed. I soon got into the secret of getting a memorial before the Board, but I could not get an answer then; however I got intelligence from a messenger that I should get one next morning. As soon as I got back to my inn, I got my supper and then got to bed. When I got up the next morning, I got my breakfast, and having got dressed, I got out in time to get an answer to my memorial. As soon as I got it, I got into a chaise, and got back to Canterbury by three, and got home for tea. I have got nothing for you, and so adieu. (Brewer 1970: 458)


If you look up the dictionary, tens of thousands of meanings will come into view. This characteristic has definitely helped English survive outside its native land, while the strong tolerance makes it acceptable to the non-native users who would like to absorb the English knowledge.

3.3Spread of English to Different Areas

Different areas receive different way of spread of English, no matter the native English-speaking countries, or the other countries which treats English as the second language or foreign language. In addition, English deserves a global and dominant language which sweeps the world.

3.3.1Spread of English to the Native English-speaking Countries

Beginning from the 16th or even earlier, English spread to the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand progressively, where it became the dominant language.

English first came to the US at the early 17th century with the first permanent English settlement in 1607. Then in 1620, the first group of Puritans known as the “Pilgrim Fathers” in history arrived on Mayflower, and established a settlement there what is called Plymouth now in the US. From then on, more and more immigrants with an increasing variety of linguistic backgrounds from Great Britain flooded into this country and established colonies first along the east coast of the US, and then expanded to the middle and west.

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