

时间:2013-07-27 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:淡淡 点击:


such as


A lucky pen and a diary are examples of favourite objects, so I can guess that such as means for example or “like.”

Summary Ask them to look at the picture and ask one student to point to the picture and retell the main idea of the text.

1 Chuck Noland, a successful businessman, lands on a deserted island after a plane crash.

2 Chuck has to learn basic survival skills on the island. In order to cope with his loneliness, Chuck develops a friendship with a volleyball he calls Wilson.

3 Five years’ life on the island teaches Chuck the importance of having friends and being a good friend. Wilson may just be a volleyball, but their friendship is real and in some ways better than Chuck’s friendships in the past.

4 Human friends and unusual friends are important in our life. Friends and friendship help us understand who we are and how we should behave.

Step 5 Post-reading Exx on Page 4 Ask the students to answer questions about the story. e.g. How can a volleyball become Chuck’s friend? What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?

Suggested answers to the questions

1 He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. More importantly, he has to learn to live without friends.

2 He has learnt a lot about himself when he is alone on the island. For example, he has come to realize that friendship is important in his life, that he hasn’t been a good friend, and that he should care more about his friends. (The students may also use present tense, e.g. He learns a lot about himself. He realizes that…)

3 Open for discussion. The students can list basic survival skills.

Let the students discuss the question in groups. The question can be discussed in the form of a role-play where each student represents one of the four people and has to persuade the others that he or she should be given the parachute.

5.Have a short discussion about one or more ideas in the text:

1 ) What can we do to be good friends even if we are very busy?

2 ) Does a successful man or woman need friends?

3 ) The text talks about “giving” and “taking.” How do friends give and take?

4 ) What do friends teach us?

5 ) Is it better to have a human friend or an unusual friend such as a volleyball, a pen or a dog?

Step 6 Language study Key to “Word study”:

1 honest, 2 classical 3 sorrow/unhappiness 4 argue/quarrel/disagree 5 loyal/good/true

6 hunt for 7 fond of/interested in 8 brave/fearless 9 in order to/ so as to 10 smart

Student-centered vocabulary learning:

It is very important for students to make their own choices and decisions about what they learn. You can help your students by letting them practise making such choices and decisions.

Give the students a few minutes to make a list of words and expressions from the text that they want to learn. The list should not be too long.

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