

时间:2013-07-19 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:丫丫 点击:


1. Daily Greeting.

2. Daily speech.


3. Presentation.

…… The teacher tells a story to present the eight new words and sentence structure: a train, a car, a teddy bear, one, two, three, four, five, how many…?

( There are eleven parts. You pass, the wolf can’t eat the little girl. Are you ready? Let’s begin! )


.….. Part 1 The teacher teaches the word and number: a train and two.

……Part 2 The teacher teaches the word and number: a car and five.

……Part 3 The teacher teaches the word and number: a teddy bear and four.

……Part 4 The teacher teaches the number: three.

……Part 5 The teacher teaches the number and sentence structure: one, how many…? One, two, three, four, five. 13

4. Drills.

( Now, the wolf is still hungry. The little girl is happy, but the wolf is angry. The wolf says: You,you…, I come again.)

…… Part 6 Look and put.

Students put the word cards on the blackboard.

…… Part 7 Count and guess.

Students count the numbers and guess what’s this?

…… Part 8 Big eyes.

Students look at the pictures and say the numbers.

…… Part 9 Sing a song.

First, ask and answer. Second, students sing the song.


…… Part 10 Ask and answer.

Students look at the pictures and answer the questions.

…… Part 11 Pair work.

(The wolf comes again. Look, who’s she? Yes, Little girl. And this is Little girl’s friend. Her name’s Hello Kitty. Look, there are pencils, lemons, cats, monkeys and train. Now, I am Little girl. Who wants to be Hello Kitty?)


Students do the pair work with their partners.

(The wolf is angry, and he runs away. The Little girl goes to her grandmother’s house.)

(Purpose:学习新句型,在游戏中操练句型。把学到的新知识灵活运用起来,通过学生与学生进行一对一的练习,学生的沟通能力和合作能力得到了进一步的提升。) 15

5. Learn some special numbers.

  [诗词专题]   [中国大学排名]   [财务工作计划专题]   [论文开题报告范文]
