

时间:2013-07-27 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:淡淡 点击:

,今天的天气正好阳光灿烂,但雪正在融化,天气冷。我由学生熟悉的询问身体状况的一句“How are you?”引出“How is the weather?”而询问当天的天气状况,注意了创设情景的真实性)

T: If we want to know the weather and we can also say, “What's the weather like?”

(幻灯显示:What's the weather like ?=How is the weather? 循序渐进、步步深入,由已知引向未知,既复习旧知,又扩展新知,培养思维的连贯性。)

2. Make use of the pictures and your diaries to make dialogues.

You can do like this:

What is the date today?


What is the weather like?

It's very cold ...

引导学生用字典并显示参考词汇:cold/hot dry/wet

sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy


Step 4 介绍新语言项目:感叹句

1. Teacher: It's sunny today. If we want to express our strong feeling, It's very sunny. We can say,

How sunny it is today! (Repeat)

幻灯: It's sunny today. → How sunny it is today!

教师:It's windy today. 学生:How windy it is today!

类似练习:rainy snowy cloudy

(Work in pairs, then act out,并尽量用感叹句给予适时评价,如 How well you speak! How brave they are!)

T: If we want to express our strong feeling, we can also say,“What a cold day it is!”

幻灯: What a cold day it is! =How cold it is today!



感叹句的结构和用法 What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + S. +V.!

How + adj. + S.+ V.!

3. 扩展性训练

T: Our classroom is very clean.

Ss: How clean our classroom is! /What a clean classroom!

(Let them work in pairs,在教室里走动指导时听到:My coat is beautiful! How beautiful your coat is! How cold it is! What a clever boy!等语言,这时掩饰不住心中的喜悦,说道:How happy I am!学生们马上脱口而出: How happy you are! 为了巩固,我再次说道: Yes, how happy I am! What a happy teacher I am today! 然后每组推荐两位表演运用感叹句,并尽量用感叹句给予点评

Step 5 Discuss and try your best to use what we have learned today.

(三天前,奥运吉祥物──福娃(Friendlies,现已改名为 Fuwa) 揭晓,我便显示出下载的彩图和英语 Welcome to Beijing.

刚显示就听到:Wa, how beautiful! 这是真情的吐露,马上给予高度评价)

T: Now look at them; you have two minutes to discuss each other. You can talk about the weather, the people, the cities, the food in Beijing, and so on.

( How sunny it is! What fine weather! How friendly we are! Welcome to Beijing... 听到这些表达,我由衷的高兴,因为学生能用感叹句、天气变化的词汇表达自己的感情了)

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