

时间:2013-03-06 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:丫丫 点击:



(b) We at TOYATA know everything about great performance, performance is everything to us. So naturally,we know a good show when we see one,and is with great pleasure that we are able to share some musical acts through the TOYATA classics concert series in spring. Born and natured in Asia,it is our way of saying thank you to our supporters and our attempt at bringing the world closer with music. Thank you for making the TOYATA classic a success for ever 14 years. We look forward to presenting more world renewed acts in the future,and delivering nothing less than an outstanding performance once again. (TOYATA classics. a world of harmony)


(c) I just had a guy from business class for lunch,chess can be a painful sport. Just ask the guy in seat 5B to challenge me a game. Moving a pawn be shouldn’t have said bye-bye to his queen. Ah,winning always gives me a good appetite. Think I’ll have the chicken. I hope the guy in 5B like humble pie. Cabin-to-cabin linked interactive games across all classes. Available on board all long-haul flights on Bowing 747-400s and 777-200s. (Malaysia Airlines)

我只是邀请一位先生共进午餐,国际象棋是一种费脑筋的运动。我只是邀请这位先生在B座第五位和我一起比一局,移动一兵一卒就不会被王后所打败,胜利常常勾起我的食欲,我想要一份鸡肉,我希望第五座的先生将会喜欢汉堡派。机舱所有人都可参赛,在飞机波音747-400s 的漫长旅行的整个航程中。(马来西亚航空)

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