

时间:2013-07-31 来源:无忧教育网 编辑:小亭 点击:


1. (复习Wh-+to do结构,教师用小黑板出示例句,要求学生改成Wh-+to do结构的句子。)

T: Let’s review the grammar“Wh-+to do”. Please change these sentences to the structure of “Wh-+to do”.

(1) Could you tell me how I can get into the station?

(2) I don’t know what I should do next.

(3) I wonder whether I should join an English club.

(4) I don’t know how I can answer this question.

(5) He is thinking about where he will travel.

(6) Wang Junfeng doesn’t know how he can learn English well.


2. (师生学习英语的方法,呈现生词。)

T:We have known some methods of learning English, and we made a survey last lesson. Now, let’s discuss it. I mean let’s make a discussion. Boys and girls, could you tell me some advice on how to learn English well?


method, discussion

S1:Speak English as much as possible.

S2:Keep a diary in English.

T:Yes, we can also preview the day’s lesson before class.



T:S3, what is your opinion? That’s to say, what’s your learning method? Do you think review is a good method of learning English?


opinion, review

S3:I think so.

T:Do you want to know Kangkang’s and his classmates’ methods? OK, let’s listen to the tape.


Step 2 Presentation 步 呈现(:12分钟)


1. (让学生听1a录音,判断小黑板上句子的正误。)

T: Miss Wang is holding a class meeting on how to study English. Two students are reporting the results of their discussion. Let’s listen to the tape together, then check the following sentences True or False.


( )(1) Kangkang previewed the day’s lesson before class.

( )(2) Li Ping thinks studying grammar is important when learning English.

( )(3) Shu Yan advices us that we should speak English with our teachers, classmates and even with foreigners.


2. (让学生阅读1a,回答问题然后核对答案。)

T: Read 1a, then answer the following questions:

(1)What are Kangkang’s methods of learning English?

(2)What are Shu Yan’s methods of learning English?

(3)What useful suggestions did Miss Wang give?


3. (让学生阅读1a,并在生词和新短语下面画线,学生上下文理解词义,教师板书并讲解。要求学生retell, chant, as long as, stick to (doing) sth.。)

retell, chant

as long as

stick to (doing) sth.

I’m sure that you will make great progress as long as you stick to them.

4. (让学生1a,下面的空格,把事先好的小黑板展示给学生。)

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